Is postponing BEE star rating a piece of good news for customers?

Is postponing BEE star rating a piece of good news for customers?

From Superfan, India’s first super energy efficient ceiling fan

Bureau of Energy Efficiency(BEE) is an agency of the government of India under the Ministry of Power, formed to reduce the energy intensity in the Indian economy through policies and recommendations. One of their functions is to classify the efficiency of appliances through their star rating system with 1 being the least efficient and 5 being the most efficient. Many are familiar with this system, as it is followed in appliances such as refrigerators, Air conditioners, TVs, and a few more.

Early last year, BEE revised the star rating system for fans and made them stringent. This new system was proposed to become mandatory for all ceiling fans from July 1st, 2020. Now Indian Fan Manufacturers Association(IFMA) has successfully lobbied with BEE to postpone that date to January 1st, 2022 citing the economical effects of COVID-19 lockdown.

This postponement has been inappropriately celebrated by some, as a relief for customers as the new efficiency requirement was expected to increase the cost of the ceiling fan by 2-10%.

Recently an article was published in Money Control, a financial news website, stating that the postponement of mandatory Bureau of Energy Efficiency star rating system for ceiling fans is good news for customers because prices of the ceiling fans will stay the same. This star rating system makes energy efficiency a mandatory parameter in ceiling fans like ACs. According to the large manufacturers, as per the article, the prices of fans would increase by 2-10% for making the fans efficient.

As per the article, 65million ceiling fans are sold every year. It implies that the postponement of 17 months would let 100 million inefficient ceiling fans into use. These 100 million ceiling fans in India will cause over 2500 lakh tonne of CO2 emission over the next ten years.

The environmental reparation cost and public health cost will much more than the 2-10% increase in the cost now. This cost will fall on our children and grandchildren and not these large corporates.

It is condemnable that an article that is posted in public, celebrating a regressive move that only causes direct harm to the public. Journalists should be held accountable for a short-sighted view and spreading wrong information without valid supporting references. Read the article from MoneyControl: Good news for customers: No increase in ceiling fan prices as energy efficiency ratings deferred.

[1] Read the article from MoneyControl: Good news for customers: No increase in ceiling fan prices as energy efficiency ratings deferred

10 thoughts on “Is postponing BEE star rating a piece of good news for customers?

  1. Hi
    Nice to see your article. But I don’t find your latest BEE 5 Star rated Super Q561/Q56R/Q56F sold for retail customers. This is more efficient fan as of today with service value of 9.5. I wish everyone is given equal chance when they want to change.


    1. We appreciate your interests in our Super Q models. Yes, indeed Super Q models are highly efficient because of their aerodynamic design. Due to COVID – 19 crisis, we have supply chain issues that delayed the launch of Super Q. If you have any specific requirements regarding SuperQ, we request you to kindly drop a mail to

  2. You are right in my opinion,it should be mandatory to make not only ceiling fan but all types of fan,pump,and other equipment to be made should be BLDC/PMDC as advantages are very clear as we all know why GLS and then CFL bulbs were outdated simply low consumption in electricity.

    1. Thank you, dear reader. Let us join together in educating our society about the drawback of inefficient appliances.

  3. सुपर फैन का सुपर Q मॉडल उपलब्ध कराओ ,बीएलडीसी मोटर में सभी कंपनियों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ मॉडल है ,बाजार में एक नंबर का मॉडल है फिर भी ग्राहकों के लिए उपलब्ध क्यों नहीं है यह कब तक उपलब्ध होंगे

    1. प्रिय ग्राहक, सुपरफैन के नये मॉडल को ध्यान देने के लिए शुक्रिया। सुपर Q सीरीज वाला फैन दो महीनों में मोजूथ रहेगा। अगर आप दिलचस्वी रकते है तो हमें बताइए, हम आपको नोटिफिकेशन पहले ही भेजे देंगे ।

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