India’s Most Energy Efficient Ceiling Fans?
From Superfan, India’s first super energy efficient ceiling fan

BLDC technology in ceiling fans is the latest in India, which led to Super Energy Efficient Ceiling Fans . There are at least 27 manufacturers of BLDC ceiling fans with lofty claims like most efficient energy efficient ceiling fans in India/World, highest air delivery, least power consumption, etc.
These claims are deceptive marketing and a few bad apples who employ these tactics in the industry create a bad name for the entire industry and the technology. This article brings out the fallacy and futility of these marketing claims and its ill effects on the public.
As we are a part of the industry, it is only fair to put forth our marketing claims.
‘India’s first super energy efficient ceiling fan’ – Superfan is the first BLDC fan in India and founded in 2012 by Versa Drives Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore. This claim of being India’s first super energy-efficient ceiling fans is easily verified as there is only one ‘first’.
‘Award-winning model – Super X1‘– Super X1, is an award-winning model. India Design Award 2017.
‘Patented’ – Superfan, power saving ceiling fan, is the only BLDC/super energy saving ceiling fan with BLDC Technology that has a patented technology. This claim is verified as none of the other manufacturers seem to boast this worthy claim. Patent No: 2873/CHE/2009 A
‘Industry first 5 -year warranty’ – We claim to have a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty on the motor and we honor this fairly.
‘BEE 5 star with service value above 6’ – We claim as BEE 5 star rated ceiling fan with service value of greater than 6. This can be verified by the labeling on the product packaging.
‘In-house design’ – We claim to have designed the whole fan in-house and it can be verified by the several patents that have been filed and are welcome to visit our factory at Versa Drives Private Limited, Coimbatore or call +91 94980 56600.
‘Eco-conscious manufacturing and packaging’ – We claim to be following eco-conscious practices, our plastic free, thermocol free packaging is good evidence, the same is seen in design & manufacturing facilities.
Gorilla Fans
Gorilla fans manufactured by Atomberg technologies is another BLDC fan that is reasonably well known.
’Power Consumption – 28 W’ – It claims 28 W, 1200 mm span, 350 RPM, and 220 CMM at the highest speed according to the website, manual, etc. But the fan has a boost mode that operates at higher RPM (400) with higher power consumption (35 W). Upon this observation, a valid question for an inquisitive user would be,
If 28 W, 350 RPM offers 220 CMM then what would be the air delivery at 35 W, 400 RPM?
Let’s do a simple calculation using Fan laws,

Where A1 – Air delivery 1 – Air delivery promised at 28W, A2 – Air delivery 2 – Air delivery promised at boost mode, RPM1 – Speed at 28W, RPM2 – Speed at boost mode
Let us assume an ideal case and give the benefit of doubt to Atomberg technologies. Inserting 350 RPM and 220 CMM and then find what is the air delivery for the same fan at 400 RPM,
Voila!!! It is 250 CMM
If this is the air delivery at 35 W, any wise business would have boasted this in their marketing and crushed the competition, only there is no such claim. In reality, the air delivery experienced at boost mode does not match with a larger fan which can deliver 250 CMM or more. Hence the logical conclusion would be,
“28 W is a marketing gimmick; their fan gives 220 CMM at 35 W, 400 RPM”
‘Most energy efficient ceiling fans in India’ – In their website and at other online portals, they claim to be the most energy efficient ceiling fans in India. This is utterly untrue as there are fans (even in the list below) that consumes lesser power even than their false claim of 28 W. These cheap tactics brings disrepute to the whole technology and these false claims are unwarranted.
‘BEE 5-star rating’ – This is true and verified by labeling on their packaging.
‘Service value greater than 8’ – This claim is untrue like 28 W claim because service value is a ratio between air delivery and input power. They use their maximum air delivery and divide it by 28, which is a blatant
misrepresentation .
A company run by IIT and IIM graduates employing these cheap tricks is appalling. Moreover, they have a good ceiling fan which can capture the market even by marketing its true performance.
Orient Ecotech Plus
Orient Ecotech Plus ceiling fan has a span of 1200 mm, consumes 32 W with air delivery of 200 CMM at 320 RPM as per the specifications in the website. These fans come with a 2-year warranty and other variants are Ecogale. According to international standards for ceiling fans IS 374 2019, all the ceiling fans should deliver air greater than 210 CMM. Hence these fans are not worth comparing to other fans mentioned here.
Other orient series fans which have BLDC technology are priced higher and so they are not compared here. Even those fans don’t reach the efficiency of Superfan and Gorilla fans (Not their false claim but 35 W).
Jupiter Fans
Jupiter fans have only one claim that is 25 W power consumption. Even their own website does mention any other specifications. This lack of information throws deep suspicion on the 25 W claim as well. A notable feature is that they have 4 blade ceiling fan which none of the top manufacturers of BLDC fans has brought on.
Surya BLDC fans
A Delhi based manufacturer who is well known for LEDs introduced BLDC fans which consume 32 W, at 340 RPM and delivers 220 CMM. These fans are with 2-year manufacturer warranty. This is similar to the performance of Superfan and Gorilla fan at 340 RPM.
Numerous BLDC fan manufacturers are in the market and some of them are Snoxpower, Solowat, and Maxima. All these ceiling fans claim less power consumption but nobody reveals their true technical
The primary use of a ceiling fan is to deliver air, this concept is neglected by some manufacturers when it comes to BLDC ceiling fans. The best designer will design a product that performs with the highest efficiency without sacrificing the output. A part of the problem here is the regulatory bodies such as BEE, EESL, Ministry of Forest and Environmental Affairs and Ministry of Power which does not have strict regulations on a product that numbers over 400 million.
This article is aimed at educating the public, our mission is to replace all inefficient regular ceiling fans to BLDC ceiling fans to save over 10000 MW in electricity demand. We don’t want the public to buy only Superfan but want the public to make an informed choice rather than fall prey to these cheap marketing gimmicks. When a product boasts of sustainability, then the business practices of the product must also be sustainable. Whatever fan you choose, kindly choose a BLDC fan which gives you maximum thermal comfort and consumes lesser power.
This article compares the lower priced BLDC fans. Please contact us with your opinion on these fans if you are a super energy efficient ceiling fan user.
Edit 27th March 2021
Superfans got acknowledged as the highest energy-efficient fans among the other well-known BLDC fans available in the market. It proves that Superfan is the only BLDC fan that gives the desired air delivery at 35W input power with the most minimal energy losses due to noise and heat.[1]
1. N. C. Lenin, S. Padmanaban, M. S. Bhaskar, M. Mitolo and
E. Hossain, “Ceiling Fan Drives–Past, Present and Future,” in IEEE Access, vol.
9, pp. 44888-44904, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3052899.
27 thoughts on “India’s Most Energy Efficient Ceiling Fans?”
“Choose a BLDC fan which gives you maximum thermal comfort and consumes lesser power”.This can be the tagline. Actually, it explains the entire article briefly. At last, the purpose of a ceiling fan is to give thermal comfort. There should be a reasonable tradeoff between air delivery and power consumption. Kind Attention readers. Buy a product that is genuine in Marketing.
Thanks, dear reader!
Delhi people Please read carefully
Normal 48inch fan consume 50-75w
BLDC 48inch fan consume 28-34 w
So if you buy BLDC fan then see your loss below:-
75w normal fan -28w BLDC = 47w (saving electricity)
47w/1000w = .047 unit/hour saving
daily units saving in 20 hours fan operation = 20 hours * 0.047 per hour unit = 0.94 unit in one day
Units save in 30 days= 30 days*0.94 per day unit consumption = 28.2 units
200 units free in Delhi and customers have to pay only 50% bill upto 400 units in delhi.
So if your bill is under 200 units then you definitely should not buy these expensive fans and if you consume under 400 units then it’s still not good for you to buy these BLD fans.
Because ?
Between 200-400 units customers only have to pay rupees 2/unit.
Your total unit saving in 20 hours fan operation for 30 days was 28.2 units
So – 28.2 units * 2 rupees = 56.4 rupees
And in six months = 56.4*6= 338.4 rupees
Savings In total warranty period of 5 years (if it’s 5 year warranty ) =
338.4 rupees per year * 5 years = 1692/- rupees saving in total 5 years
Normal 5 star 48inch fan price = 1400/- rupees
Branded BLDC 48inch fan price = 3800/-
Difference in price 3800-1400 = 2400/-
( so BLDC fan is 2400/- costlier )
You save total rupees 1692/- in 5 year, but pays rupees 2400/- extra when buy BLDC fan compared to 5star rating fan or even without 5 star Rating fan.
So loss without interest charges is = 2400-1692= 708/- rupees.
Don’t buy it in Delhi if your electricity consumption is under 400 units in Delhi.
Dear Mr Dinesh Singh,
Thank you for your reply. We deeply appreciate your time.
We agree with your calculations. But we would like to politely disagree with your conclusion.
The low cost of electricity to consumers in Delhi is not due to the low cost of electricity generation. It is subsidized by the government, so somebody(that is government – taxpayers) has to pay for the electricity cost. So there are savings in terms of money but not directly to you.
Please take into account the environmental cost of inefficient use of electricity – as per your calculation, approximately 0.5 unit of electricity is saved. In India, 0.6 kg of coal has to be burned to generate that electricity. It emits more than 0.5 kg of CO2, it pollutes 0.5 litre of freshwater and these primary effects lead to other secondary effects due to pollution.
Superfan is built with a mission to save energy to our nation – There are about 50 Cr ceiling fans in India and they create a demand of 20000MW to our grid. If we replace all those ceiling fans to BLDC fans then the demand would reduce to 7500 MW.
This change can be realized when all of us look beyond our benefits.
We thank you again, as your question has prompted us to think about the situation in Delhi and also gave a chance to express our opinion on it publicly.
We respect your point of view. If this low personal savings is discouraging you to choose a BLDC fan, we would like to support you. Please email us at( PU the email ID you use for the media – is it media@superfan? But make sure it is something that you check regularly).
Superfan that is running in my home from the year 2012 is still consuming the same power of 35W to deliver 230CMM.
I am enjoying the savings in my EB-bill. Thanks to Superfan.
We are glad to serve you, dear customer.
Thanks sir for spreding the awarness, atomberg claim that there studio fan deliver 290 CMM air delivery on 280 rpm is it possible or they are just lying?
290 CMM at 280 rpm is not possible but Atomberg’s website on Gorilla Studio claim as 230 CMM air delivery.
Sir Gorilla website claims as 290 cmm @ 300 rpm for studio model
Dear Mr Bharathkumar
Thank you for your reply. We deeply appreciate your time.
On the website, they mention the studio model is 1200mm. It is highly unlikely. but if it is 1400mm then it is possible.
Superfan’s 1400mm delivers 270CMM at 270 RPM so 290CMM at 300RPM is possible. We have chosen limit to 270 CMM because that is generally enough to satisfy the required comfort.
Gorilla makes fine fans, they are one of the popular brands of BLDC fans. But for some reason, they usually overclaim their performance or do gimmicky marketing ploy,
On their website they claim 0% failure rate as of 15th May 2020 – This is not possible in the real world. Any product will have a failure rate and if it zero per cent failure rate they can as well give ‘lifetime warranty’ and garner a great marketing statement.
They say their fans(1200mm) consume 28W at top speed and deliver 230 CMM. But actually, they have a ‘boost mode’ which consumes 32 W and delivers 230CMM. This is contradictory, how can there be two top speeds?
Their fans are good but it is sad to see them, resort to these cheap tactics to sell a good product.
Thanks again for your time. I hope you will start using BLDC fans and join Superfan’s mission to save power for the nation.
Please call us at 9498057700 to know more about BLDC fans.
In the USA, there are ceiling fans that can move up to around 1200 CMM (about 43,000 CFM). These fans are usually 1500mm in diameter and are sold under brands such as Envirofan. Especially since the weather in India is usually hotter than most parts of the USA, have you considered producing fans that produce this amount of airflow?
Thanks for your comment.
1200CMM is a disproportionately large amount of air to be moved under a 1500mm diameter fan, it would uncomfortable due to the pressure it applies to the occupant. I believe that those fans have a different application and not evaporative cooling for people. Also, there are much bigger fans that cover large spaces like auditoriums that slowly move huge amounts of air in the order hundreds of CMM as you mention.
We have a 1500mm fan that consumes 35 W and delivers 330 CMM, this would offer sufficient comfort for occupants under the fan.
My Hall size is more than 350sq.ft.I have placed a ceiling fan at center and need high air delivery fan. Kindly advise.
You have a bigger hall and hence you need a fan with bigger span. Choose one or two fans of 1400mm of span that delivers 270cmm of airflow. Super V1 would be the right choice for you. Know more about the Super V1 fan here
which fan you recommended for the best energy efficient fan
Superfan Ofcourse!
We are proud of you to bring this energy-efficient technology in India. Thanks sir.
Thank you for your wishes. Keep reading!
I want to by two fans for
Room. Size. 14′.6″×10′.3″
Wash room. Size. 9’×5′.3″
Kindly suggest suitable fans.
We appreciate your interest in Superfan! We suggest Super V1(1400 mm size) or Super A1 (1200 mm) for the 14.6″x10.3″ room. Super J1(900mm) for the washroom. For the product selection guide, you can use the following link We are happy to help you and you can contact us through Your choice of super energy-efficient ceiling fans will save 1.6kg of CO2 per fan per day!!!
Large number of fans needed for self owned hospital, suggest e mail to post sizes of rooms
Thank you for your interest in Superfan. For public places and large rooms as in hospitals, we suggest you opt Super V1 (1400 mm) longer blades and more air delivery. Our sales team will be in touch with you very soon. You can also reach us through or +91 94890 78737.
Amazing useful information thanks for sharing it
Thank you!
Can you please tell me on which bases you guys decide the CMM what area you choose to measure CMM
The test procedure is based on BIS standards for ceiling fan – IS374:2019. We have a test lab in our own premises, the BEE label is based on a NABL accredited test lab.
i have never come across such concise and frank analysis on Indian products. It will guide me to replace common ceiling fans with BLDC models. Thanks.