Superfan is an investment

Superfan is an investment

From Superfan, India’s first super energy efficient ceiling fan

A commonly known SuperFact is that Superfan Ceiling Fan saves 56% of the power consumed by a regular ceiling fan. Benefits extend to Superfan’s return on investment. It is the right investment to make that earns your profit in about a few months. This article will tell you how this is possible.

What is the ROI?

Return on investment is an economist term that keeps us informed about our investment’s performance. It is calculated as,

Now that we know what is ROI, let’s see how Superfan Ceiling Fan is a beneficial investment.

Superfan is an investment

For the investigation, we considered a Superfan and a regular fan. If today you are replacing your regular fan with Superfan Ceiling Fan, you will spend about ₹3500/-

This shows that Superfan earns its investment back in 2 years with an ROI of 64%. To be a step ahead, we extended our calculations by including uncertainties like the failures.

We assume and add constraints like the failure of components. With a regular fan, the most commonly failing component is the capacitor costing about ₹200/- and a regulator failure costs about ₹300/-. During voltage fluctuations, there are chances for coil failures and it’s rewinding costs about ₹600/-.

With Superfan Ceiling fans, the only chance for failure is the electronic circuit board that costs ₹1100/-. In the history of Superfan, we have never received a coil failure, and so there is no rewinding cost for Superfan. The electronics in the fan protect the motor’s coil from a burnout.

Including these in the calculation,

Now, don’t you think Superfan is the right investment to make?! An initial investment of ₹1500* pays back in a year. Saving electricity is savings that benefit beyond an individual, environmental benefits and national infrastructure savings are incalculable. Choose the right ceiling fan with Superfan today!

* The extra amount invested in Superfan is

5 thoughts on “Superfan is an investment

  1. My fan is working but when I start the power supply it does not start instantly, it takes about 3to 4 min to glow the white light and then it start, as well as the speed always reset, suggest me the solution I am in north India & their is no service center here.

    1. Dear Raj, the problem if the fan restarts is because of overloading, please check the following two things: 1) the regulator connection must be bypassed 2) the fan leaves are clean (dusty leaves add weight and overloads). If the problem still persists then please feel free to call +91 94890 78737, our technical support team will help you.

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