Holistic Start-up Indian Innovation – Superfan an example

Holistic Start-up Indian Innovation – Superfan an example

The Indian government has mentioned that startups are a crucial contributor to India’s ascent in the global innovation index from 76 in 2014 to 46 in 2021. While the government aims to get into the top 25 in the global innovation index shortly.    This objective is promoted with an event – Start-up India Innovation Week from Jan 12 –16 by the government. Many news outlets spread this news with an appraisal of the current scenario of startups and innovation. Many…

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Does your BLDC ceiling fan have lightning protection?

Does your BLDC ceiling fan have lightning protection?

Let us begin with the understanding the power surge and its common causes. A power surge is simply an unexpected increase in voltage, it is also called transient voltage. The common causes are fluctuations caused by large appliances like ACs, washers, dryers, lightening, load dump at the power grid, improper wiring.  It is commonly observed that electronics are sensitive to failure due to a power surge – a sudden burst of electricity higher than normal levels. One of the major…

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How to install ceiling fans with safety rope?

How to install ceiling fans with safety rope?

Ceiling fans are unlikely to fall off the ceiling unless they are improperly  installed or an unlikely material failure. Check out our blog to know how to install ceiling fans safely for best performance.  Installing the ceiling fan with a safety rope is an extra safety feature. It secures the fan to the ceiling hook and avoids the fan from falling even in the case of material failure. As per the IS374:2019 standards ceiling fans are required to be sold along with safety rope assembly.  This accessory will be available in all ceiling fans from June 2022, when the mandatory star labelling takes effect.    The video below guides the installation of ceiling fans securely using safety rope.  Contact…

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Why is my ceiling fan making noise?

Why is my ceiling fan making noise?

Ceiling fans are the primary thermal comfort appliance in India due to their simplicity, familiarity, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency (BLDC ceiling fans). Beyond these advantages, there are some drawbacks like lack of standardization, decrease in effectiveness in extremely humid conditions, and the noise from its operation.  The standardization of fans is underway now through the efforts of government agencies like BIS and BEE. Ceiling fans cannot offer comfort in humid conditions as the thermal comfort from fans depends on the surrounding…

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Importance of ceiling fans in the classroom

Importance of ceiling fans in the classroom

Effect of noisy ceiling fans in auditorium, conference rooms and meeting halls in India  A typical classroom has approximately 40+ students and a teacher who communicates through voice. In India, ceiling fans are mostly used for the thermal comfort of the occupants in the classroom. Ceiling fans are the best solution in this scenario as they are simple, cost-effective, healthy, and efficient. But typical ceiling fans are noisy, and it becomes a significant problem in a setting like a classroom, meeting room,…

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What determines ceiling fan airflow? [4 crucial parameters]

What determines ceiling fan airflow? [4 crucial parameters]

The primary use of ceiling fans is to offer the desired thermal comfort by delivering sufficient airflow. There is a misconception of relating airflow to only the speed of a fan (RPM). Though, it is true that when the speed (RPM) of a fan increases by 10%, the airflow increases by 10%. Explore fan laws.  But the speed of a fan is not the only parameter that influences the airflow, and it is wrong to compare two fans by their…

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How can you use ceiling fans in winter?

How can you use ceiling fans in winter?

In a closed space like a room with still air, the cooler air stays at the bottom, and the warm air rises to the ceiling. This segmentation of air happens due to the difference in the densities, and this phenomenon is called stratification. This becomes a problem in winters as the much-needed warm air recedes to the ceiling leaving the space close to the floor cooler. When heating elements are used to warm the space, it requires more heat generation…

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Many BLDC ceiling fans are marketed as eco-friendly, as they save about 1 kg of CO2 emissions and 2 liters of water every day by conserving electricity. While claiming eco-friendliness in advertisements, they seem to continue to use plastics in packaging, not utilizing ROHS electronic components, not avoiding processes that impact the environment. Their claim of eco-friendliness tends to be empty especially when those manufacturers began making BLDC ceiling fans because of the government mandates. Is postponing bee star rating…

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People started attaining thermal comfort at a faster rate with the advent of space cooling systems, while its usage limits tend to incur costs due to high electricity usage and environmental impacts like CO2 emissions, heating effect in urban outdoor environment. Know more! There are various active and passive strategies at both individual and societal level to achieve thermal comfort. Choosing a combination of these strategies wisely could conserve energy and minimize the environmental impact associated with it for providing…

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Thermal adaptation is the ability of the human body to adjust to temperatures. The human body works to maintain the core body temperature at 37° celsius. The loss or gain of heat from the environment activates the thermal regulators in the body to warm or cool respectively. The thermal regulation system in our body functions intending to keep ourselves at a comfortable temperature. The core of our body passes on heat to the skin to maintain comfort during cold climates,…

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